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学术报告——王宪福(加拿大哥伦比亚大学(UBC Okanagan)终身教授)

报告题目:Subgradient projectors: characterizations, examples and convergences.


时间:201474日星期五 上午1030




Subgradient projectors play an important role in optimization and convex feasibility problems. For every locally Lipschitz function, one can define its subgradient projector via generalized subgradients. We study basic properties of subgradient projectors and give characterizations when a subgradient projector is a cutter; when a mapping is subgradient projector of convex functions; and when the subgradient projector is linear. Finite convergence for cutters will also be discussed. Based on joint work with H. Bauschke, Y. Guo, C. Wang, J. Xu



   Shawn Xianfu Wang(王宪福),男,加拿大哥伦比亚大学(UBC Okanagan)终身教授。1986年本科毕业于兰州大学并获学士学位,1999研究生毕业于加拿大西蒙弗雷泽大学(Simon Fraser University)并获博士学位,曾先后在加拿大卡普顿大学(Cape Breton University)、奥提根大学(Okanagan University College)、哥伦比亚大学任助教、副教授、教授等职。2013年曾作为巴渝海外引智计划专家访问我校。

   王教授主要从事变分分析、非光滑分析、凸分析与优化等研究,先后主持了加拿大国家研究项目等近20项,在Mathematical ProgrammingSIAM J Optimization等重要刊物上发表论文60余篇,担任Communications in Mathematical AnalysisAbstract and Applied Analysis 等期刊副主编(编委)。