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报告题目:Traveling Waves ofSomeReaction-Diffusion System: Results and Open Questions




In this talk, Ishall report some recent progress on the existence and multiplicity of travelingwaves tosome of the most importantmodels in Turing Pattern Formation and Ecology.Inaddition, I shall pose some open questionswhichare wide open and demand newideas and fresh approaches.


ProfessorQiyuanwei, University of Central Florida. He graduated from the Department ofMathematics of Peking University in 1982, received a master's degree from theChinese Academy of Sciences in 1985, a doctorate from Oxford University in1990, and taught at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology and UCSanta Barbarra. He also served as a professor of the 100-person program inShanxi Province at Shanxi University. Professor Qi is an international experton the direction of influential partial differential equations. Since 1994, hehas conducted academic exchanges in Oxford University, British ColumbiaUniversity, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Tsinghua University and other schoolsand scientific research institutions. Since 1998, he has been invited to makean invitation report at the World Academic Conference more than 20 times. It iscurrently in the internationally renowned Journal "SIAM J. Math. Anal."," SIAM J. App. Math. "," J. Diverse Equations, DiscreteConnection. Dyn.. System. He has published more than 30 high-level academicpapers.