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报告名称:Riesz transform on exterior domains

主讲人:蒋仁进 教授

邀请人:陈焦 副教授

时间:202275日   10:00

地点:腾讯会议(ID790 659 814



Riesz transform on bounded domains as well as complete manifolds/ metric spaces have been widely studied. However, not much has been known for the case of exterior domain. In this talk, we report some recent progress in this direction and present applications to Dirichlet/Neumann boundary value problem to elliptic equations. Briefly speaking, we give an almost complete solution to this problem, which also confirms some conjectures from Auscher et al. Math. Ann. 2001 and Hassell et. al. IUMJ 2009.


蒋仁进,天津大学应用数学中心教授。从事调和分析与度量几何交叉领域的研究。在调和函数与热核的正则性问题、Riesz变换有界性问题、Korn不等式与散度方程等研究领域取得了系列前沿成果,解决了相关领域的多个公开问题。成果发表于Comm. Pure Appl. Math.J. Math. Pures. Appl.Math. Ann.Adv. Math.等期刊,并被多位著名数学家在包括ICM一小时大会报告在内的会议及著名期刊论文中引用。曾获得国家优秀青年基金资助,入选天津市科委科技创新领军人才。