报告名称:Myers’ Type Theorem for Integral Bakry–Emery Ricci Tensor Bounds(关于积分Bakry–Emery Ricci曲率张量边界的Myers型定理)
主讲人:李凤江 副教授
邀请人:程新跃 教授
时间:2023年5月24日 16:10
In this talk, we first discuss weighted mean curvature and volume comparisons on smooth metric measure space under the integral Bakry–Emery Ricci tensor bounds. In particular, we add an additional condition on the potential function to ensure the validity of previous conclusions for some cases proved by Prof. Jiayong Wu. Then, we apply the comparison results to get a new diameter estimate and a fundamental group finiteness under the integral Bakry–Emery Ricci tensor bounds. This is a joint work with Prof. Yu Zheng and Jiayong Wu.
李凤江,重庆理工大学数学科学研究中心特聘副教授。2021年博士毕业于华东师范大学,2019-2020年以访问学者身份赴美国里海进行学术交流合作。主要研究领域为Ricci流和子流形的共形几何,已在Proc. AMS, Results Math., IJM, DGA, 数学学报(英文版)等国际数学期刊上发表论文10余篇。