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报告名称:Global existence and blow up of solutions for pseudo-parabolic equation with singular potential

主讲人:徐润章 教授

邀请人:周寿明 教授

时间:2023116 11: 15




In this talk, we like to report a study in the initial boundary value problem of pseudo-parabolic equation with singular potential, in order to classify the initial data for the global existence, finite time blowup and longtime decay of the solution. The whole study is conducted by considering three cases according to initial energy: low initial energy case, critical initial energy case and high initial energy case. For the low initial energy case and critical initial energy case the sufficient initial conditions of global existence, long time decay and finite time blowup are given to show a sharp-like condition. Also two different strategies are applied to estimate the upper bounds of the blowup time for the negative initial energy blowup and positve initial energy blowup respectively.  And for the high initial energy case, the finite time blowup is proved.



近二十年来致力于利用位势井理论研究非线性偏微分方程的解关于初值的依赖问题,并针对偏微分方程中的三大基本模型方程(波方程,热方程和薛定谔方程)的适定性理论,将碎片化研究提升到同一框架下的系统化研究,开创了全能级系统化研究初值与解的适定性关系的新范式。至今已发表SCI论文110余篇,包括ARMA, JFA, CVPDE, JDE, SIMA, ZAMP, Physica D, ANA, QAM, DCDS, ACV, JGA, JMP, 中国科学数学,数学学报等。被引总频次1500余次,单篇超40次引用的论文9篇,热点论文1篇(数学学术领域中最优秀的0.1%之列),ESI高被引论文7篇(数学学术领域中最优秀的前1%之列)。